Saba Government

Constitutional Status

Since October 10th 2010 Saba is a 'special municipality' of the Netherlands. This means that Saba is part of The Netherlands, but has other legislation than municipalities in the European part of The Netherlands. Saban citizens vote for Dutch Parliament, the Second Chamber. The legislative body of Saba is called the Island Council. Unlike the municipalities in the European part of the Netherlands, Saba is not part of a province. There are two other 'special municipalities' or 'public entities': Sint Eustatius and Bonaire. The constitutional status of the three public entities is laid down in the 'Wet op de Openbare Lichamen BES', the 'Law on the Public Entities BES'.

The Twenty First Century

Formally part of the Netherlands Antilles, Saba became part of a Special municipality of the Kingdom of the Netherlands together with the islands of St. Eustatius and Bonaire in 2010.

Today the island's residentd are a mixed population of European, African and Latin descendents, speaking English, Dutch and Spanish. Saban houses are well kept, the gardens team with flowers and the doors seldom are locked. The friendliness of Sabans is not in any doubt, and everyone knows everybody on the Unspoiled Queen.

Visit the website for more information

Saba Government

Public Entity Saba I No.1 Power Street The Bottom Saba Caribbean Netherlands

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